

bts map of the soul one的相關標籤

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【呼叫阿米 | New Video Out】 ⠀⠀ 再不cover世界彈的ON的話會被阿米殺掉!⠀ 完整版在Youtube,連結在 https://youtu.be/hInl6Och7lA ⠀ 阿米們期待又期待的ON!!!⠀ 防彈擅長用文學和寓意說故事就不用多說了,寫出社會的現況、真實的心聲、自己的經歷和看法。⠀ 這首ON融合了很多寓意,圍繞著專輯Map of the Soul主題所要傳達的很重要的概念就是找尋自我,正視自我的黑暗面,才能不迷失黑暗之中,並且突破自己往夢想邁進。⠀ cover了防彈少年團這麼多首歌,非常敬佩他們的歌曲都可以和大眾共鳴,不會因為性別或語言的因素讓人無法理解,而且可以自由創作又能找到經典,能從自身出發也沒有一定的解答,每個人看到的東西或許都不太一樣卻也有些共通,各自找到共鳴點,這好像就是音樂想要給人的東西,也是我一直想透過我的琴聲我的音樂傳達給大家的感動!⠀ ⠀ 拜託阿米們努力推給阿米,推到防彈看到阿!!!⠀ 但請先記得訂閱我的Youtube(林子安 AnViolin)!⠀ 不是阿米也可以訂閱喔~⠀ 訂閱頻道、按讚留言分享,又不是搶防疫物資,不用我OK你先訂,大家一起訂起來留起來讚起來!!!! ⠀ 歡迎大家在沒有下雨的週末到信義區香堤大道,聽cover歌曲的live版喔!詳細演出相關資訊,都會更新在限時動態! ⠀ - Here comes my cover this week!!!!⠀ ON from our super super star BTS 💜(where is the ARMY!!!!!!) ⠀ Don't need to say how BTS is good at telling stories with literature and the implied meanings. Their music just speaks for the current society, the truth of the world, and their own experiences. ⠀ ON has a lot of stories behind and one of the most important concepts conveyed is around the theme of Map of the Soul: to find yourself. Facing and embracing the dark side of yourself, not to lose tracks even in the darkness, and just go for your own dreams. ⠀ After covering so many songs from BTS, I sincerely think they are really amazing for those songs seem like read our minds and they just do so without borders. It's like BTS can feel the world while share their opinions and resonating with the people. Whoever listens to their music would find something in themselves that can be related to, which is exactly the same I want to say with my violin music. ⠀⠀ Feel free to come to Taipei Shin Kong Mitsukoshi Xinyi Plaza to enjoy more my live cover songs. Check it out on my Instagram stories! ⠀⠀ - 小提琴 Violin:林子安 Lin Tzu An 攝影師剪接師 Photographer & Film editor: Santon.W - @bts.bighitofficial #子安在哪裡 #子安在Youtube頻道coverON #你們的貼心子安已上線cover防彈歌 #阿米推推推到防彈聽到 #BTS #방탄소년단 #ON #MapoftheSoul7 #MOTS7 #ON小提琴 #ONviolincover #林子安 #街頭藝人 #Anviolin #violin #violinsartist #lintzuan #buskerintaipei #wherestzuan #cover #violincover #instacover #instaviolin

【呼叫阿米 | New Video Out】 ⠀⠀ 再不cover世界彈的ON的話會被阿米殺掉!⠀ ...